Zoom Talks
wherever you are
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Are you looking for a dynamic and memorable speaker for your event?
In recent times many people have become familiar with Zoom, and today Liza gives a variety of talks via Zoom. Audience members can still see slides and props, and are encouraged to make comments and raise questions. This brings her lively talks to a much wider audience.
Often meetings will have a session at the start when people will catch up on one anothers’ news while they relax and get ready to listen to the speaker. Then usually the host will let everyone know that the talk is about to start, and they will mute audience members, putting the speaker on ‘speaker mode’.
A talk can take the form of the speaker talking direct to the audience, but most will use a mixture of talking, a slide show, the use of a variety of props and a question and answer session. To see what a Zoom talk is like, do watch this short video:
And to book a Zoom talk, please call Liza Jones on 020 7834 1066 or via email at lizajonesspeaker@gmail.com
Savvy Shopping
A look at some of the ways marketeers present their products to you, along with an insight into marketing and branding, and how these processes can help you find what you want or need. What brands do you choose and why? What is Brand Stretch? What are RFID tags and what are they used for? Different packaging and product presentations. Supermarket layouts with fruit and vegetables by the entrance, and bread further in store. And why you should not go shopping when hungry.
Saffron - Threads of Gold
This most expensive of spices has many diverse uses, from food flavouring and fragrance through dyeing, cosmetics and medicine. Saffron has long been held in high esteem by royalty and aristocracy, from Ancient Egypt to modern times. Includes recommendations of how to use and infuse saffron in either oil or water.
Oranges and Lemons
Citrus fruit are far more than just food. Here is a look at their history, uses and impact on human culture, health and well-being. Curious citrus facts include Paris saved from the plague by lemonade, oranges in classic paintings representing wealth or prostitution, and a plane’s Black Box is in fact bright orange. This talk is illustrated by a selection of antique citrus cooking utensils.
Knickers! – the history of underwear
The history of underwear, with examples, among others, of Victorian and Edwardian drawers, pantaloons and combinations, and a selection of 20th century pieces such as a range of bodies, suspenders, a bullet bra, a Liberty bodice, exotic extravagant lingerie sets and the modern Spanks. For male audiences, includes male underwear.
Why are Periods such a Bleeding Shame? This frank talk reviews the impact of women’s menstrual cycles through the ages, looking at historical and modern approaches to handling this vital natural process, and how until recently menstruation led to women having virtually no rights. It covers different cultural attitudes, the disgrace of period poverty and how religions respond to menstruating women, along with the latest changes enabling girls in developing countries to continue their education.
Behind the Bathroom Door
A look at how people have kept clean (or not!) through the ages, including the multitude of up to date toiletries we use; the history of items such as the toothbrush, toilet paper, salt deodorant and floating soap. Why is soap better than detergent but detergent is what most of us use, along with a look at the possible demise of the modern toilet and how safe sanitation can be brought to the developing world.
The Painted Face
The Painted Face – Hope in a Jar! How women have used cosmetics to enhance their appearance from ancient Egypt to modern day, with numerous samples of the materials and chemicals used in the pursuit of beauty, and just how much make-up can change a person’s appearance and chances in life.

Below are sample testimonials received from some of the 200+ talks Liza has given.
"Liza gave a very informative and engaging (Zoom) talk. Members felt they had learned a lot. Her use of props was a great way to break up a Zoom talk with demonstrations of the items. Seeing them for real was a game changer. We have no hesitation in recommending Liza.”
Surrey virtual WI
“When she started to talk, it was apparent that Liza had obviously spent a lot of time researching the history of cosmetics. She was friendly and enthusiastic about the subject of her talk. It made us realise how women in the past have used poisonous substances to attract attention, and it was also a nostalgic look back at cosmetics (we) used in the past, evoking lots of memories. We particularly liked seeing some of her collection of old cosmetics, along with information about cosmetics in the 20th century, and learning how far back some of the more familiar brands had started.”
Ladies who Lunch Virtual WI
"Liza’s (Zoom) talk was much more interesting than just talking to us. She interacted with members of the audience, and her use of slides, real life objects, props and the examples she showed us were super interesting. Initially she looked interesting and I thought the talk would be too. Her approach was great; she presented it well and I learnt a lot."
Reconnecting Carms
"Liza is a professional and genuinely knowledgeable person who immediately brought the subject of Knickers! in to focus. Her Zoom talk was factual, and combined the development of fashion with social history. Her style of presentation was informative, and her use of props, with actual garments which she had personally sourced, added to the content. Liza’s talk combined humour with a social adventure in fashion. If you are seeking a speaker talking on a subject with a difference in a factual and light-hearted way, then this talk is going to fit the bill. A presentation which would be acceptable to all."
Rotary Club of Meriden
"Just a quick note to thank you so much for your (Knickers! Zoom) talk last night. It was fantastic! The perfect balance of entertaining and educational."
CyberCats Virtual WI
"Thank you again for a fabulous (Zoom) talk on Knickers - The History of Women's Underwear. It brought back so many memories. After we had our Notices and Show n' Tell we started to talk again about our school and teenage years and undergarments. We had so much fun this evening."
Marsh Quilters
"Thank you so much for your (Zoom) talk on Monday. I found it quite fascinating and most interesting. Also it was fun to see the sort of things we, our mothers and grandmothers used to wear. It’s quite amazing how our ‘Underwear’ has evolved over time. I also liked the props that you showed us and thoroughly enjoyed the whole talk.”
Kirbymoorside WI
“We all loved Liza’s Zoom talk on Knickers! – The History of Underwear. Liza was calm, excellent, fascinating, informative, organised, entertaining, and interesting with an excellent knowledge of the history of Knickers! and good props.”
Beckford WI
"Many thanks for the wonderful (Zoom) talk you gave this evening. Everybody found it fascinating and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was really interesting and your presentation was excellent. Interesting to know the origin of some of the words we use regularly as well.”
Stray Ladies WI
"Thank you for sharing a really fascinating (Zoom) talk on the history of underwear. The feedback from our ladies has been really positive and it was great to learn about where some of our expressions come from, like ‘Drawers’ for instance. I know the ladies loved being able to share their own memories of some the items you talked about. Thank you again and we may well be in touch to book you for another talk!”
Malpas WI
"Thank you for the (Zoom) talk on Thursday evening it was excellent, we all really enjoyed it.”
Hook and Chessington WI
"Liza was enthusiastic and quickly engaged with the group. She approached the topic of Savvy Shopping in a logical way, explaining the context and principles first before developing her (Zoom) talk. Her style of presentation was relaxed and we felt engaged with what she was talking about.
It was very good to have visual examples and props, and the difference between product and package was really brought home. The comparisons between products, their production and packaging costs, and what manufacturers do to sell you a concept was the part we liked best. Also the information on the way supermarkets are laid out to make you buy!"
Chepstow WI
"Thanks for such a wonderful (Zoom) talk last night Liza. The ladies all really enjoyed it."
Tynemouth WI
"Liza was calm, at ease and well prepared. The way she approached the topic of “Savvy Shopping – how to save money” was easy to understand, colourful and engaging. The props and products she showed emphasised the points made in the talk without being to ‘heavy’. The part I liked best was learning about RFID tags – something I knew nothing about.”
Pat from Chepstow WI
"We really enjoyed your (Zoom) talk on the history of underwear. It was an entertaining and informative evening and we hope that you will return and speak to us again on another topic.”
Cookley WI
"Our first impression of Liza was that she is a practised and confident speaker. Her approach to the topic of Knickers! The History of Underwear was interesting and informative without being too serious. And her style via Zoom was very competent. The part we liked best was the opportunity for members to comment and engage, plus the off-the-cuff comments. We would recommend Liza for Zoom talks for all these reasons.”
West Witney WI
"Liza’s talk on Saffron – threads of gold, was well presented, clear and easy to understand. She used nice, clear pictures, and we recommend her to other groups because the talk was so interesting.”
Steeple Bumpstead Ladies Social Circle
"Thank you very much for a very entertaining (Zoom) talk on the History of Underwear last night and going by the chat from our members it was well received by them. I made sure my bra was well fitted this morning!”
Micheldene WI
"Morning Liza, I just wanted to thank you for the delightful (Zoom) talk - we really enjoyed it. It sparked quite a lot of conversation too, which was good.”
West Ealing WI
"Thank you so much for tonight's (Zoom) talk. So many great comments from those who attended, nobody dropped out part way through and a near record breaking 37 people, so that was fabulous! Really appreciate you doing this for us and we'll definitely be looking into your other talks! We'd love to have you back again.”
Merstham Women’s Group
"Liza is enthusiastic about her subject. She was relaxed and informal, but knowledgeable, and she made the subject (History of Underwear) interesting by talking, a slide show and using well sourced props. She was light-hearted and yet had clearly done lots of research in an enlightening way. She conveyed this important part of female social history in an easy-to-listen-to talk. I would love to hear more of her talks."
Norwich All Saints WI